Saturday, August 9, 2008


Hi readers!

Now, buses. They take ages to come and then two come along at once, huh? Well, that is what I have done with my posts, as you may have noticed. But, another reason that I have mentioned them is that I just saw a hilarious sketch on Mock the Week relating to buses. Basically, there was a muted clip of Boris Johnson and David Cameron, which Boris began by 'saying' to David not to mention buses. The two then proceed to stand in front of a bus and Dave, trying to follow Boris' advice, tries to divert the attention from buses, but buses are all that Boris will talk about. This continues until Boris drives away, clinging onto the pole of a Routemaster. Boris also does not follow his own advice to 'not sound too posh' and shouts 'What ho, peasants!' at the gathering paparazzi. Now, all this was voiced by Hugh Dennis, but the hilarious thing was you could actually imagine the two saying it. Anyway, enough plugging Mock the Week, back to buses.

I have been on buses quite a few times, normally to return home from shopping with my friends. I probably would not go on them if they were not free for under 15s and instead would cycle or walk home instead. My most hilarious incident involving buses was when it was bucketing down with rain, and I caught a bus with a round-about route back home from a shopping trip. My mum called me and said she would pick me up from my bus stop, but if she wasn't there, I was to continue home. I reached my bus stop, and I could see my mum's car wasn't there, so stayed on. The bus pulled away, and it had barely travelled for a minute, when I saw my mum's car pass. I grabbed my phone and practically shouted 'Oh my gosh, I just saw you pass! Should I stay on? Where shall I stay on to?'. Meanwhile, while I was in my self-imposed frenzy, the people behind me were talking about visiting grandparents. 'Well, whoopee for you', I thought. I was staying on until the end of the line, but was a bit nervous because I didn't quite know where I was. My phone's loud ringtone set off and my mum was shouting 'I'm right behind you, look!', and sure enough she was. The bus was in traffic and it was still bucketing down. The bus set off and crossed the road in order to reach the final bus stop. I leapt out, clutching my shopping, but mum was still stuck at the traffic lights on the opposing side of the road! I cowered under the shelter, dialing frantically. 'Stay there!', mum said through the phone. Finally, she drew up next to me, and I scurried through the bucketing rain (wet through in 5 seconds) and hopped in the car. Only then did I realise that my self imposed unnecessary panic had cost me £2 worth of phone credit.

Enjoy public transport,

Just Another Ordinary Kid

How are the summer holidays for you?

Hi people of the stratosphere! (actually you may or may not be of the stratosphere- I actually have no idea, as after typing this because it sounded nice, I looked up the word on an online dictionary, and still have absolutely no idea what a stratosphere is, but anyway...)

I am sorry for the long delay between this and the last post, but I actually went away on holiday to Belle France! (And by that I mean the country- not the brand that kept popping up everywhere over there.) The weather was lovely and all the locals were surprisingly friendly! It's surprising, but I always seem to read about triple as much as usual on holiday, despite probably having more time in which to read at home. This holiday was no exception. I read around three 'classics' (books I probably would usually attempt to open, then turn on the TV or read a tom-tom (what I call a teen rom-com), before throwing the 'classic' on the floor and never touching it again, except to return it to the library). The accomodation was lovely and I swam in the heat almost everyday!

So, now, as I sit on the sofa, touch typing (Despite all the touch type CDs that I gave up out of sheer boredom and frustration at the smiley little characters on the screen encouraging me to keep going, I actually learned to touch type naturally.) this post into my laptop, listening to Death Cab for Cutie repeatedly on my 2G iPod nano (which I bought just before the new 3G model was announced- it always seems to be that way, I just get what everyone else has and I want and then something better comes along), wearing skinny jeans and a cardigan in summer whilst staring out at the miserable grey skies. I must sound terribly depressing, but actually I am not feeling that bad. Death Cab for Cutie isn't actually as negative as it first sounds- I find it rather relaxing. Despite wearing a cardigan and skinny jeans (this is simply because I would be too cold in t-shirt and shorts), I am also wearing a sunny yellow t-shirt. And even though the skies are grey and it is raining a bit, it is not as bad as the original forecast. There's a positive to take out of everything!

So, now you've heard a bit about my summer, tell me about yours by voting on the new poll or commenting on this post!

See you soon,

Just Another Ordinary Kid