Saturday, August 9, 2008

How are the summer holidays for you?

Hi people of the stratosphere! (actually you may or may not be of the stratosphere- I actually have no idea, as after typing this because it sounded nice, I looked up the word on an online dictionary, and still have absolutely no idea what a stratosphere is, but anyway...)

I am sorry for the long delay between this and the last post, but I actually went away on holiday to Belle France! (And by that I mean the country- not the brand that kept popping up everywhere over there.) The weather was lovely and all the locals were surprisingly friendly! It's surprising, but I always seem to read about triple as much as usual on holiday, despite probably having more time in which to read at home. This holiday was no exception. I read around three 'classics' (books I probably would usually attempt to open, then turn on the TV or read a tom-tom (what I call a teen rom-com), before throwing the 'classic' on the floor and never touching it again, except to return it to the library). The accomodation was lovely and I swam in the heat almost everyday!

So, now, as I sit on the sofa, touch typing (Despite all the touch type CDs that I gave up out of sheer boredom and frustration at the smiley little characters on the screen encouraging me to keep going, I actually learned to touch type naturally.) this post into my laptop, listening to Death Cab for Cutie repeatedly on my 2G iPod nano (which I bought just before the new 3G model was announced- it always seems to be that way, I just get what everyone else has and I want and then something better comes along), wearing skinny jeans and a cardigan in summer whilst staring out at the miserable grey skies. I must sound terribly depressing, but actually I am not feeling that bad. Death Cab for Cutie isn't actually as negative as it first sounds- I find it rather relaxing. Despite wearing a cardigan and skinny jeans (this is simply because I would be too cold in t-shirt and shorts), I am also wearing a sunny yellow t-shirt. And even though the skies are grey and it is raining a bit, it is not as bad as the original forecast. There's a positive to take out of everything!

So, now you've heard a bit about my summer, tell me about yours by voting on the new poll or commenting on this post!

See you soon,

Just Another Ordinary Kid

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