Sunday, December 7, 2008

Like, Surprise!!!

Bonjour humans with computers!

SURPRISE!!! It's the (erm...) 7th of December today!

Ok, so that was a random greeting, but the surprise element is kinda there. You weren't expecting me to randomly announce that it is the 7th of December or put in the 'erm..', or even randomly put surprise in capital letters. Basically, my entire life is made of surprises. Everything that happens to me is a surprise. Even when things I thought would happen do happen, I am surprised that they actually do.

I think it's partly because my family is rather surprising. They always react in the complete opposite way to what I think. For example, I once went to my mother upset and trying to work out how to explain that I got in the tiniest bit of trouble. When I told her, scared, she simply went 'so?'. But then, of course, it happens the other way too. My bubbles are often bursted, or I get in a lot of trouble. I sometimes make bets with myself when walking home to see how much fate or God or whatever has made what I think is going to happen different. Like whether my parents will be home or if any post has come for me. You'd be surprised at the number of variations on those two.

I am running out of things to say and must work, so have a surprising life,

Just Another Ordinary Kid

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